Sunday 15 March 2020

It's Spreading!

Just think how many times in an average week you spread something.  Most likely it's butter on bread or toast before applying jam or marmalade, or some other tasty sandwich filling.  A farmer in ages past would spread his seed 'broad-cast' from a basket strapped on his chest; nowadays there are great machines to do this for him.

Another spreading, less conscious, but more significant, is the spreading of disease.  Our awareness of that has been heightened recently with the advent of the corona virus, and a short while ago, ebola.  One of the ways adopted to stop the spread of either is to discourage people from touching each other.  In most societies touch is so important ... to touch someone, offering a hand of friendship or support, or the shaking of hands in greeting, is to many second nature and so instinctive that to stop it is very difficult.

In church this is something we do quite often as part of our liturgy ... and maybe take for granted.  It's known as 'sharing the peace'.  For non-church-goers I should explain that this is a semi-formal occasion when we get up and greet one another with a handshake, or a hug, or whatever seems appropriate, in the name of God.  It's also an opportunity for a quick apology, an enquiry about aches and pains or something more serious, or for a few words of catch-up with someone we haven't seen for a few weeks.

Someone pointed out in a recent conversation that, out of all the people she had greeted that morning, she knew the names of all but one, and could greet them personally.  It niggled her that there was one person with whom she had so far had neither a conversation nor the opportunity to discover his name, and she resolved to correct this at the earliest opportunity.  Our discussion moved on to the recognition that this 'semi-formal process' is - or can be, if looked at in the right way - an expression of our calling as people of God to spread His love to those around us.

One of the elements - indeed, the key element - of our Faith is Jesus' death and resurrection; on the night before He died He celebrated the Passover with his disciples and, after the meal, He prayed for them (a prayer that is summarised in chapter 17 of John's Gospel). "As You sent Me into the world," Jesus prayed, "I have sent them into the world. ... My prayer is not for them alone.  I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message." (John 17:18,20). Notice particularly those last few words.

Jesus sent His disciples into the world to spread far and wide the message of what he had taught them and of what He was about to do for the whole of mankind.  The same love that sent Him to the Cross is ours to share with those around us.  Earlier in His conversation with the disciples, Jesus had spoken of them being like the branches of a vine.  He told them, "I am the vine; you are the branches.  If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit." (John 15:5).

In our turn, we share that mission, too.  It doesn't mean we all have to stand on street corners proclaiming to passers-by ... though some are called to do just that.  Often it's the small things done to or for someone close that sow the seeds of that fruit in their hearts.  In our prayers in church each week, and individually in our homes, we pray for many classes of people in need: victims of war; people burdened by guilt, filled with anxiety, sorrow or despair; those who are lonely or alone, whose homes have become a prison;  people living with difficult or broken relationships, who don't know where to turn or what to do.  All are victims, one way or another, of a lack of love.  If we keep our eyes and ears open, keeping aware of the names and needs around us, we can spread God's love to them.

Matthew concluded his Gospel with words often referred to as 'the Great Commission': "Go and make disciples of all nations" (Matt:28:19).  The most successful way to do this is by spreading God's love. 

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